10 10 10 is the supernatural number of Supernatural Breakthrough, Contact me ASAP for your special Anointing, Remain Blessed.
Pst Samuel Zaccheus Ephreiphm
can u imagine? it is people like you that ve destroyed christianity. Thieves, how does 10 10 10 do anything? it is just a day like any other, may God deal with you and your likes, u shameless person, u want me to buy annointing oil too? u dis thief.
'We just get the one life, you know. Just one. You can't live someone else's or think it's more important just because it's more dramatic. What happens matters. May be only to us, but it matters.'
can u imagine? it is people like you that ve destroyed christianity. Thieves, how does 10 10 10 do anything? it is just a day like any other, may God deal with you and your likes, u shameless person, u want me to buy annointing oil too? u dis thief.
hahahahahahahaahahah!!!!pst Samuel Zaccheus Ephreiphm!!!u gotta be kidding me
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