I've been around the interwebs quite a lot this week and there are some links and articles, you really should go and read.
This is a documentary which should get all the press required! I don't understand why it shouldn't. These are the kinds of things that need to be constantly projected into people's minds. I was over at the Nostalgia Project on Facebook, and looking at pictures from the Biafran war, GORY. Totally unnecessary. But I realize more often than not, we are attracted to sleaze, to bad news, more than the seeming good things. This has to go EVERYWERE if we want to see a change.
The Imam and The Pastor
My point of view, is that for Open relationships to work, Both parties have to be completely insensitive, both in conscience and heart. You will be hard pressed to find someone like this who doesn't have mental problems.
Why Open Relationships just can't
In the spirit of Christmas, a nice video on how the story of Jesus's birth would play out in our world today.
I am a language Enthusiast, I've been creating mine since I can remember, born out of the frustration of only being able to speak one language fluently. Anyway, I really like this site, much insight into Caledonia.
I'm passionate about my heritage and who I am as African, therefore there are
100 things you should know about Africa
Beyonce, really?? I like her, but I don't like this and I don't like what it seems to portray
I like Twitter, and Nigerians tweet ALOT.
Twitter Activity
You know..Every 'Black' person NEEDS to read and understand this
The Dangers posed by Black Hair Products
Recent Posts
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Strictly When I sleep
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I've always had vivid dreams, and I will continue to have them. Gone are the days where I would look through my mother's book called 'Demonic Dreams' or something of the sort. Which was just a horror book that could give Stephen King a run for his money. These books written by 'Men of God' on how to decipher someone's dream. I didn't really take it seriously, but some of my dreams did scare me.
Some days ago after tweeting about some dreams on Saturday/Sunday night, My uncle walks into my room and says 'Let me teach you about Dreams' I was like O.o. My friend had called earlier and said he dreamt He died. I shook my head, ok let me see what this man wants to say. So I go with him.
He opens up a book and begins to read about REM and NREM sleep and the kind of dreams they induce..Yeah I'd read about all these before. More on how our dreams are interpretations or influenced by our day to day life, supressed thoughts and what not. I thought about the three dreams I'd had that day. One, totally random but involved someone I know but I've never seen physically, the second involved my older sister, her friend and their son, also an actress from a movie starring genevieve, she was quite wicked in the movie ad in my dream, she tried kidnapping the boy. It also involved tube-line, Metroplitan line, Picadilly e.t.c the third dream, was about acting in a Dojo (Remb Nicki Minaj video) in North London!! None of them has to do with any day to day living of mine, but they are obviously influenced by a lot, nothing seems unfamiliar to be honest.
My uncle, goes on to say, God will never give us dreams, that cause fear, if he says he hasn't given us the spirit of fear, why would we have nightmares and then claim they are messages from God or something of the sort. You are100% more likely to die from anxiety than from the dream you had about dying.
The last dream I had was a combination of many things, but the main part I remember being about one of those I follow on twitter, or someone that follows me. He lives in a house with the number four, he has sisters (3?) younger or older not sure, Father wears glasses, He is secretly gay....I dunno why I would dream about this, is there someone that really exists with this description, I don't know. All I can say is I dream.
The last dream I had was a combination of many things, but the main part I remember being about one of those I follow on twitter, or someone that follows me. He lives in a house with the number four, he has sisters (3?) younger or older not sure, Father wears glasses, He is secretly gay....I dunno why I would dream about this, is there someone that really exists with this description, I don't know. All I can say is I dream.
Latest Dreams, Alien ships, Icicles, Human crowd simulator, me running tracks and some 'Asian' girl asking me where I was from, ...HMMM
Update: I dreamt I sued T.M Lewin, I went to one of their stores in central London, and no one wanted to attend to me cause I was wearing a hoodie and jeans, basically smelled of 'racist'. HMM
Monday, December 27, 2010
Forgive Me, I never planned to be skinny
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I was always the skinniest one, I still am. I swear, I don't know why. I have been called all sorts of names, skeleton 101, packet of bones (like we aren't all) anorexic but I wasn't as skinny as the girl in my secondary school who they called 'Escape'. One day I had to ask why. They said she was the skeleton that 'escaped' from the biology lab, cruel but HILARIOUS.
I honestly can't understand why people obsess to be skinny or whatever or why models have to go the extreme, but I definitely understand the need to have slim ones on the runways *side-look*. Anyways yeah, I still eat quite a lot, I do feel hungry lots of times but I'd rather small meals every hour than a big hearty meal that I can't finish. People don't seem to understand that and think I do not like food *rolls eye* Personally sometimes I do think I'm too skinny still........... I don't think it is something that I 'became' I have even cried over being skinny and asked God why?? But I kanye shrugged it and got on with my life. Even though I still look like a pre-pubescent boy, I am ok, I know I'm healthy and that's all that really matters, thank you very much so now gtfomf.
I honestly can't understand why people obsess to be skinny or whatever or why models have to go the extreme, but I definitely understand the need to have slim ones on the runways *side-look*. Anyways yeah, I still eat quite a lot, I do feel hungry lots of times but I'd rather small meals every hour than a big hearty meal that I can't finish. People don't seem to understand that and think I do not like food *rolls eye* Personally sometimes I do think I'm too skinny still........... I don't think it is something that I 'became' I have even cried over being skinny and asked God why?? But I kanye shrugged it and got on with my life. Even though I still look like a pre-pubescent boy, I am ok, I know I'm healthy and that's all that really matters, thank you very much so now gtfomf.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Don't Ignore the Living
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This morning, one of my friends, tweeted that she was watching My Girl, remember the movie? It brought tears in my mind, and the replay of a particular scene that never left my head for over 15yrs. I told her, I'd cry loads if I tried to watch, but deep down I knew I would look for it and watch it. I've been crying loads since. It just hurts it really does, especially someone like me, always quick to put myself in other people's shoes. It's heart breaking..losing someone so close. But Jamie Lee said something I didnt remember as a child, 'Don''t ignore the living' It's hard to remove our minds, from those who are gone, but nothing we do can bring them back. We should focus more on life and those who are living.
Another aspect of the movie that brought tears to my eyes, was the love shared between friends at such a young age, there was no guile, oh how we long for that now. Its such a thing as heartbreaking as death, here you only have people with ulterior motives (for the most part) around you. When Jesus said we had to become like children, he wasn't talking for fun. We think we know so much as adults and our minds and heart tend to get clouded and hardened. Kids show the purest form of love you can get. I have to live with this reality and acknowledge those I hold dear and hold them dearer, living life.
With this I say Happy Birthday to my Friend, Tosin ^_^ hip hip hooray
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Music is much better.
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Everyone knows there is a magic about music. My uncle today said anyone who doesn't respond to music definitely has mental problems, he was like, there can never be anything like MJ's Thriller, it was pure awesomeness. He was genius. Music does so much to me, I cannot describe. I can describe my perfect day though :).
I remember just months ago in my flat all alone in Geordieland. The room had white walls, I love white walls, most other colours do my head in. I had just acquired my black logitech sound system, essential. My playlist was Carl Orff's O Fortuna (on repeat) I'm lying on the couch after school, after a meal. It was pure bliss as I watched the sun go down with the room darkening...
Anyways, I have been trying for ages, to get the name of particular pieces of music stuck in my head, and today, they all came together. I'd been watching Misfits, which is an awesome piece of TV and a particular scene comes on with one of the pieces, fantastic! I go on to search for it, I also stumble upon this Site and this which list a number of pieces used in popular media now I'm in paradise XD
These are the pieces that give me pure joy this wonderful white sunday ^_^ Enjoy.
The Flower Duet (Delibes) --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Qx2lMaMsl8
Chariots of Fire (Vangelis) --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYJzcUvS_NU
O Fortuna (Carl Orff) --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa7B_S3O_sE
Sweet Soca music (Sugar Daddy) --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osSGmHPSLFA
Friday, December 17, 2010
Reading Always helps
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I woke up feeling all sorts of weird, my stomach...and when I don't feel alright in my body it tends to affect other parts of my life majorly, especially my thinking ability. But thankfully, if I can get to read I feel MUCH better. I may not be able to articulate thoughts properly..check the awkward 1hr conversation I had with a friend, ok..it was 50% Cool 50% Awkward. Anyways! I also learnt a couple of things from my uncle (EPA + DHA)omega-3, which I intend to put to good use in between him accusing me of suffering from rejection and that I shouldn't beg anyone...I can't say I'm devoid of emotions over the issue, I'm just disappointed and I'm angry with myself..ugh. I intended to blog about my research findings yesterday, but this condition..yah, I hope I feel way better when I wake up , much later today, I may even go outside for some fresh air.
So here I am, listening to a classical radio (Bach on now, quite somber) and clearing out my tabs! long story, but you get the picture, I need to have something organised!! my mind is a mess. I went a bit of blog hopping today, and decided to steal an idea from one of them blogs while i lamented the inability of mine to read or even bother about blogs which come in a black background and green text, throw in some purple flashing lights and red dots. Argh.
So anyhow, this is for you..
Links of the past present and future, enjoy.
Fela on Nigeria -- http://t.co/SaCWtDl
An Introvert Stands Up for The Right to Stand Alone -- http://t.co/SaCWtDl
Tosin Martins "Silent Night" -- http://t.co/SaCWtDl
Animated 8 Bit Video Game Themed, Promoting Safe Sex -- http://t.co/TOTXlHd
African Women in UK Silently Suffer Domestic Violence http://allafrica.com/c/-3yZ7u
An Introvert Stands Up for The Right to Stand Alone -- http://t.co/SaCWtDl
Tosin Martins "Silent Night" -- http://t.co/SaCWtDl
Animated 8 Bit Video Game Themed, Promoting Safe Sex -- http://t.co/TOTXlHd
African Women in UK Silently Suffer Domestic Violence http://allafrica.com/c/-3yZ7u
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Nice Start
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So I decided to learn how to sew, this week..so far, I really haven't done any thing, but the week isn't over yet! hehe. I am also trying to get particular documents so I can apply for particular documents. Lots of phone calling, e-mails and what not, I'm kinda on the edge.lol. Anyways. the week started with a shine to it. I have started going to church, I really like the church my friend invited me to. I didn't take to it at first, but after a second try. It got me hooked, plus I also get to meet with some students in the afternoon and have a great bible study and food!! LOL. My uncle is even convinced I have ulterior motives involved in going, because its about fourty minutes by train to my house. Last Sunday was the last meeting for the year, so I made sure I was there. It emphasized the essence of Christianity.
After, there was a carol service at the main church. As usual, there was Handel's 'Unto us a child is born' ang by the Choir, It does take me way back to my secondary school's music club at the carol night..More important though, was the message..which deserves a post on its own. It was preached by Rico Tice, he is an awesome, awesome preacher. He is instrumental in making me stay on at this church. When the service was over, while regretting why I left my ear-muff at home, we (I and some mates from the student fellowship) walked over to an Italian restaurant.
Food was great! Company was Great! I hadn't Laugh-Cried in ages!! I live for such nights. It was sad to leave, but mehn, I still had Fourty Minutes or more journey time to get home, and it was already 9pm. Said my bye-byes and went on. Just close to the station was a crowd and I wondered what was going on,
It was serious! took me way back to Estate days, Days spent playing chess in school. Some of all that happy go-lucky days *Sigh* With a large smile on my face, I went on my way home, Awesome Day! :)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Where Do we go from here...
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I started writing this note last Saturday..but I just could not find the words i really needed, but I will try.
I woke up friday morning thinking, Sometimes we forget people on the internet are real too. The past two days I found out one of those i met on an online forum, NL had deleted me off his facebook friendlist. Someone would think, 'It's only facebook' perhaps, but I didn't think he was just a casual acquaintance. Others have deleted me and I didn't even think twice about it.
Anyway I was advised to ask him why, personally I thought, yeah..just to know where I stand. I did, and He says ' I didn't think you'd notice or give a fiddler's fart if you did. It's nothing personal. I removed a lotta people who were acquaintances and I rarely communicate with' I honestly can't tell where we got to this point. There are people i don't speak to in months, but when we talk its always a good thing. I was glad I knew, atleast, where I stood with him. And me, being me, I always think about most events of my life quite deeply.
I tweeted then 'The day that an ex-friend explains why he deleted you from his FB friendlist is the same day an old friend tells how much he misses you #life' That was exactly what happened. Someone i had worked with during NYSC and hadnt spoken to, up to five times after told me he that, I really appreciated it.
Some hours later, I heard that a guy I had had some banter with on NL, same forum..had died. This would have been the 1st of December or 30th Novmber my time when he was shot. I immediately felt cold after the whole thing managed to compute. I looked at all the news sources and what not, I just couldn't believe it. This person wasn't even my friend, I had interacted with him once or twice but I felt a sense of loss.
Lots have been said but I couldn't change what I felt, the image replaying constantly in my head, only to wake up on Saturday and hear another terrible thing from Nigeria, I had nightmares..i couldn't sleep, I cried. But we move on.
Tuesday, was my graduation and I have had to ask myself what next? One of the graduants didn't even live to see the day... I appreciated every moment of it. What my family had done, what i'd done..I hold these memories in my heart. I'm at a point where I have to make solid decisions on how I want to move forward. They will not be popular ones, I know myself..But for the sake of my sanity and quality of Life I want for my self I must make them. I just want to take a deep breath and learn from every experience that I've been or I'm going through...One thing I always have at the back of my head though is that, Change is inevitable..the snow will not always fall, even in Caledonia..
He last posted on the 29th of November on the forum. The circumstances around his death, completely devastating,I can't imagine what the family are going through. It took me back to; http://teanni.blogspot.com/2010/02/tgiftomorrow.html
Sometimes we think people on here will forever be at a computer, only dying of natural causes, old age, hunger or electric shock. Perhaps..Rapture (as some school of thoughts think it) It's so easy to divide offline/online..but both are as real as each other.Lots have been said but I couldn't change what I felt, the image replaying constantly in my head, only to wake up on Saturday and hear another terrible thing from Nigeria, I had nightmares..i couldn't sleep, I cried. But we move on.
Tuesday, was my graduation and I have had to ask myself what next? One of the graduants didn't even live to see the day... I appreciated every moment of it. What my family had done, what i'd done..I hold these memories in my heart. I'm at a point where I have to make solid decisions on how I want to move forward. They will not be popular ones, I know myself..But for the sake of my sanity and quality of Life I want for my self I must make them. I just want to take a deep breath and learn from every experience that I've been or I'm going through...One thing I always have at the back of my head though is that, Change is inevitable..the snow will not always fall, even in Caledonia..
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Why is Death something sad?
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Its either the thread-starter doesn't know the meaning of sadness or I am. Losing 20p is sad enough, talk more a whole human being. I've never had anyone close to me who died a simple nice death, so i obviously cannot grasp what this person is talking about.I have been sad, even now, i still sigh, when i think of what they may have become (the young ones esp). I don't feel sad because i would miss their company, I feel sad mostly cause of the dreams they had, that someone or something snatched away from them. Death in itself is nothing, my uncle was saying the other day, Death is one of the closest thing to each and everyone of us. If one was to live in such fear, you'd die just thinking of it
Many posters, echoed the same feeling, that Death was something to feel sad about..that is..those who are still living, The dead person cannot feel what we feel. For me, it's the finality of it - the thought that I will never, ever see them again. Someone says which i totally agree with. Its the most final thing, that's sad enough.
and my last post was
He wasn't my friend but I feel a great deal of sadness. Sometimes I read these things in the papers, I get sad because people just die anyhow. But actually haven interacted with the persons seems to make it worse, somehow you wish you didn't even know them at all. Its easy to forget people even on online forums are actual real people like you, they die and you'll never ever ever see their words again. Thinking of their family.....ah *sigh*
The finality of it, Is indeed very sad.
Death will always be something sad for different reasons to many people. But do we allow it to eat us up? I think not. We owe it to those alive to live in the best way possible. Death is not something that will only happen to some people, It is a sure thing for everyone alive now 'You live to die another day', so while you still have your breath, LIVE. Life is Now.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Out of Mind
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I haven't been in the mood to blog, cause I couldn't get my head settled on one thing, besides that, I had to travel and sort some ish out. Then got snowed in and delayed, and teary-eyed. ARRGh..I like that things have slowed now and I can breath..My blocked nose also gave way.
I guess I'm back now, I still feel a bit tired and lax in my brain but I gotta say thanks to the people who keep my brain from getting dusty. Just to add, For me Out of Sight is Out of mind, and Distance makes my heart go further, so I know how it must feel. I wasn't able to reach anywhere on Nanowrimo, but I'm still writing *fingers crossed* Erhmm, what else..ok back to blogging.xx
I guess I'm back now, I still feel a bit tired and lax in my brain but I gotta say thanks to the people who keep my brain from getting dusty. Just to add, For me Out of Sight is Out of mind, and Distance makes my heart go further, so I know how it must feel. I wasn't able to reach anywhere on Nanowrimo, but I'm still writing *fingers crossed* Erhmm, what else..ok back to blogging.xx
Monday, November 22, 2010
I'm Not Brave
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''You go to war for love like a soldier
I wanna run away
You're never scared to walk through the fire
I wish I had your faith
I turned away
Knowing my heart could break
I'm so afraid to lay down my armour
I'm not brave
I'm not brave''
#Leona Lewis
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I whip my heir back and forth
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One Saturday in my distant past, We had gone to spend the day at Apapa Club (as usual) We came back and settled to a nice dinner in the candle-lit living room. Everyone seemed rested, well and happy then my older sister asked me the question..'Where is my wrist watch?' *GHEN GHEN* I had a quick flashback to the swimming pool changing room..I remembered glancing at the watch on the wooden bench..but sadly I never picked it up. My mum had just given us these mickey mouse watches which she bought on her last trip to the UK. My mum then turned to me, 'Where is the watch?' 'It should be in the bag' I managed, talking about the canvass bag which we put in our towels and swimsuits. My sister exclaims, 'Its not there! I've checked' Next thing I knew, I saw a bottle of water..not bottle, 'keg' flying towards my head.
I got reminded of this topic again, while I watched kids dance to 'I whip my hair' at the party today. How far is too far when it comes to the discipline of a child? There was a topic on Nairaland.com where people talked about the beatings their parents had given them, in some other countries, those experiences would be Child Abuse, pure and simple. While reading the book on Fela, he talked about the beatings he got, it was funny and sad at the same time.
My mum was the disciplinarian, and we did spend a lot of our younger years with her, She used everything from canes (She was a teacher) to branches, 'Omorogun' (Wooden stick used to 'turn eba' or any other paste like that) one time she really took the verse which says 'Spare the rod and spoil the child' to heart and used the rods that were used to build the last born's baby cot. LOL. That day in our play we could have killed ourselves, so I second that punishment! My mum has also done some things which I find unacceptable, but right now I don't feel bitter, then again everyone is not me. I strongly detest physical attacks compared to verbal, infact verbal ones, usually just enter one ear and pass through the next, but physical tends to leave scars which becomes a double edged sword, scars on the body and on the mind. No, I can't stand that. I do not have any scars from any beatings I got from my mum, the only scar you will see on my body are battle scars (My Sister and I) Military scars (Flogging in Nigerian Navy). Flogging in schools was another issue o, I still remember heavily the flogging I got on my legs in Primary four, because of some times table, thankfully no scars!!
Personally, if I do bring a child into this world, It would be because I have decided to love and care for another human being that is a part of me. There are things I would certainly not do, flogging or beating like there's no tomorrow, no way. I would try to make my child understand why certain things shouldn't be done. Depending on the situation, I hope I would be able to use wisdom and initiative when it comes to that point. I find that the picture of Gods relationship with man is what I'd like to project in my own life. I would want my children to respond to me out of love. I would prefer that the reason they do not do certain things would be mostly because it would hurt not just me, themselves also, just like I wouldn't do things deliberately to hurt them. And I hope they would understand that even though they still do such things and would have to bear the direct/indirect consequence (the sow and reap law), I will always be a mother to them, and my love will never diminish.
Do Ugly people feel less pain?
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You know I've thought about this several times but not quite deeply. It was only recently where someone on hearing the death of some girls commented 'and they were so pretty'. I started to think about this again. The importance we lend to physical appearance is so staggering, and it invades every aspect of our lives. I too have made such a comment once upon a time, I can't remember a specific event but I must have. What does someone's percieved 'prettiness' or 'handsomeness' have to do with a sad occurrence in connection with them. Are people who are 'beautiful' in our opinions not supposed to go through pain? Or if they do, is it more than their beauty should allow? Do they get a pass mark, should the 'angel of death' pass over them? We hear it all the time, or is it out of courtesy?, that we just have to make such comments. I am trying to understand. Aaah well.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
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It was a long day. I think the best decision I made was to wear my purple 'space-age' leather/patent-leather boots. I marched through the field which seperated my house and the train station with glee. But as I got to the station I would have to wait 15mins till the next train, WHAT?!?! I needed to not fall into Peak fare time!. Oh no!. But through the speakers the news that Someone had thrown Her/Himself under a train at Bond Street station made the delay make sense. It was also sad. Understandable, but sad.
I got to the Library which was my first point of call, and registeration went smoothly! I also took the prettiest Passport photo I've ever had in my life! If you see my Nigerian Passport photo, you will run wild with laughter, Even my dad was upset about it.
So far I haven't really blogged about many of my interests here, I left that to my school blog, where all the 'Serious' stuff went. But now I'm in the process of revamping it, so I will continue here. I am presently researching IFA, Origins of the world, Japanese culture, Uneme culture, Personality Typing (Myers-Briggs and Jung). So I spent about two hours at the Library. Then I had to head out to the place I volunteer and take a course at around 7pm.
When I left the library it was pouring, I had no hood, no hat, thank goodness my hair is not relaxed!lol. I found the bus stop amidst the rain. Somehow I got off at the wrong stop and managed to get lost. I was going to be late! it took me an hour to get there. Along the way, I was assaulted by a drunken man..He'd have had to be drunk! I was trying to cross the road, and he stopped me midway. I could have gotten hit by a car! He dragged my bag and my arm, being the highly reactive person that I am, I shrugged him off and ran for my dear life while he still mouthed, quite loudly, incoherent words. I was a bit shaken but happy I was almost at the venue.
My hair! Just as we finished for the day, One of the 'white' girls in my group says..'Your hair is done differently today, I like it, I wish my hair could do that' I just chuckled. My hair was pulled up, I can't really describe it, but yeah it looked very good to me.lol. I started to get a bit defensive in my head. Why would she say that? but she probably had the best intentions, no? or was she just trying to be friendly 'cause I mentioned that ALL my friends are Nigerians. Maybe if she had stopped at 'Your hair is nice' I wouldnt have thought these thoughts. oh well, too late! Its funny that our hair, can imitate other 'races' hair, but they could never get the curly we have. I'm so proud of it ^_^.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
This Rape Thing
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I was on twitter, the day started generally upbeat, then one of those I follow tweeted this link, http://pervocracy.blogspot.com/2010/11/seven-points-on-rape-prevention-and.html and I usually open 99% of the links she tweets, So I did and started to read.
It just began to stir what had been in sitting in my soul. And I was really boiling. I CANNOT comprehend HOW a RAPE victim can be BLAMED!!!!!!!!!! was one of the first things I tweeted. And then, one of my followers starts to ask me if its true some girls enjoy rape??? maybe if rape was just about having sex.
The annoying thing is most RAPE happens inside a nice warm house, with someone the VICTIM KNOWS. People are so quick to dismiss the topic, I WONDER WHY?? Only the previous day had I watched on the telly, A man who murdered his wife because he didnt want her to know he raped two young girls. Another follower then tweeted, maybe those who commit rape are starved of sex. Why are people so quick to justify these actions?? How do you know he/she is being starved of sex?? Rape is not about whether the person was starved or not.
The only persons who may have an excuse are those who have Mental problems or Those who have been cursed from their village. Some people like to turn their noses, because it seems like such a messy thing to think about. In the case I watched on TV, probably the woman thought, Rape doesnt affect me, I have no daughters and I live in a very protected little town with the nicest husband, but it was the Husband who RAPED, and didn't want her to know it, so he sent her to the great beyond with a hammer while she slept.
I didnt know my neighbors were Rapists, once upon a time in Victoria Island. One New Years day in a far away country, I KNEW. I blogged about the incident, because it really hurt me http://teanni.blogspot.com/2008/02/raped.html So-called Island Oil Big boys!!! They were NOT starved of any sex!! They had been raping others, but no one cared cause they were 'Sluts' anyways, plus they were given money. Then they raped a 16 year old girl on New Years day. A girl who came to visit at my house.
RAPE hardly occurs ALONE, theres always some other 'Crime' before and after it. It usually comes with a multitude of lies and some times psychological raping of the victims mind. It could also end up in death. How can anyone still see this as a trivial issue 'You are not the first to be raped' Disgusting!
One of my followers, a guy again said he didn't know, having sex with one's wife without her consent was rape, and I told him, well now, You know!. It takes a wise person to realise where he has been wrong and CHANGE. The burden falls on Human kind, people need to Wake up. We need a serious re-orientation, people shouldn't be taken for granted this way!
In the book, Perdido Street Station by China Mieville, RAPE was punishable by EXILE, (and even some body parts were ripped off). Because it is to STEAL/DESTROY someones chance/choice, just like Murder. But In our society rape gets what, 2 years in jail or none at all?
So someone else, a girl asks me if rape occurs outside the frequent, Male to Female bracket. YES, surely because its more about Power, Force and control than sex itself. There is a case in the first link where a/an homosexual guy goes on a date and his partner rapes him.
Rape occurs ANY which way...Thinking of it now, I know some girls back in Boarding school who were raped by some of our seniors *shudders*
The only situation where I can maybe blame a Victim of Rape is if (for example) The guy was wearing a 'I am a RAPIST' sign and she still followed him. It would be a pity because perhaps the girl thought she/he had a 'Sense of humour'
Just to further understand what Rape is about, here is a parallel.
There was a punishment I was given when I was in Nursery school, I was still called Nurietu then. I wonder why I never forgot, now I know. I was asked to drink water by my aunt. As simple as that. And I loved water then, LOVED it. Only that, I didnt want to drink Water at that time, and I was given about 10 bottles to drink. While I attempted to get past 1 bottle, NO, I wasn't thinking of how much I LOVED water, I was thinking of how much I HATED my aunt.
It is my heartfelt desire, that people stop turning away from the issues. People don't want to talk about it, if we don't, how will anything change?. Another guy on my timeline says, 'Its like any other crime, people will always get raped' Rape is not like any other crime. In many instances, It would not be seen as a crime, therein lies the issue. My people please, let's Wake UP.
P.S: I find that even the so-called intelligent/intellectual men are usually mute on this topic, some say it would just be stating the obvious. This is where you see Assumption becoming a Hydra. If It was so damn obvious and people used their common-sense why is this commonplace? Sometimes the so-called obvious needs to be CARVED in the sky.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Toughest Video Games
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The hardest games I've ever played..Megaman, Mario 1
Megaman was so hard it wasn't funny, and these were truly the days of proper gaming, NO CHEAT. When you see GAME OVER, e don done!
Watching Captain N, made it worse, I couldn't get into the telly to play the stages myself..still XBOX Kinect DOES NOT appeal to me
All this talk of gaming, I need to burst out my SNES emulator...after I sort my neck out! I keep hurting myself :(
We used to call gaming 'Tanning' then lol. so much fun, too much fun. I've done things for gaming I wouldn't even do for love.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Used to it
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I AM USED TO IT, he said. I tasted bile. I wanted to slap his brains out, but the immediate realization that he probably didn’t have any brains to begin with, to have made such a comment left me feeling disgusted. My stomach churned.
I wanted to throw up, used to it? Used to mediocrity, used to living in the mire used to stolen choices, used to being a 10th class citizen in your own country, which sane person can be used to Nigeria??!!!. 

My friend and I had been discussing , her past and current situation. We were on the particular topic of power and he goes to say something stupid like, He’s used to it?? I had a rush of emotions, I wanted to laugh, I wanted to cry as my mind came back to this article i had seen earlier. Nigerians are indeed cowards, I can clearly see where the problem lies and the writer stated it, the average Nigerian is used to the situations and likes to just manage things. For people who are used to a particular situation where is the zeal for change? Non-existent.
I remember a chat with another friend, he said he loved the freedom in Nigeria, no stress on taxes, he could park anywhere on the road, he could drive as fast as he wanted anywhere , he could do almost anything in Nigeria and get away with it, sure I thought,
when a head of state can loot our treasury in broad daylight and get away with it, when the so-called guardians of the nation chop the cake everyday, what more do you expect from this chaotic mass.

Cowards, yes, to be used to this situation, to put aside courage, cowards indeed.
I am not used to it, never was, never will be. A nation owes its citizen these basic things, power, water, food, access to quality healthcare, education which if it fails to provide is a failed state. i just saw the pictures of a guy who committed suicide because of the rubbished state our educational systems are in..i still have tears in my eyes

Just when I thought this joke of a country couldn’t get any funnier they go ahead to provide 24hrs cctv in lagos , charge lower animals for crime, a goat for armed robbery, soon they would be arresting mosquitoes for murder.
At this point I can say I have no loyalty to this failed country even though i love it, I am loyal to my tribe, we just happened to be passing through when we got hedged into this country...I kid.
I could go on and on but Nigerians know what the problem is, themselves! Their top priority is Make money, regardless, so who really cares whether Nepa takes light, abeg we are used to it, I have a borehole in my house, if nepa take their light, me I have gen,,
Some people say those who travel overseas are the cowards, thats plain nonsense, those who travel are rebelling IMO, which is a form of protest, protest against the nonsense that Nigeria is. I heard someone prophesied that there wont be constant power supply till 2017, that’s not too far, I will still be in my twenties, maybe I would come back to Nigeria then
For now…
with all the calm I could muster, I replied my friend
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I met my husband on Twitter!
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I joined twitter, mid last year, a geeky friend of mine invited me, at first I was like "what the!!" but I began using it. For those of you that know about the Twitter phenomenon im sure you'd understand. But like most web phenomenons, when you think you've stumbled upon a very cool exclusive web app, next thing you know, well.. celebs and Wannabes are using it, happened with this facebook too. i joined at a time when people where so hung up on Hi5, next thing i know even pets were joining facebook.
Alongside this social networking and notworking apps, there's been the surge of online dating, from the specific dating sites to social sites to forums to chat ,e.t.c, people are hooking up everywhere, and it was just a matter of time that TwitHookups would become a reality,
Heres a story,
He started following me three months after I joined twitter, his one-line biography read, "Music, movies, comics..im a Scientist". it struck me as "somehow" but i decided to follow back, thats the decent thing to do on Twitter, follow back. Well, one day i made a tweet about how i was tired of watching a particular TV show and he responded, we started a "Twitromance" and then graduated to chats then calls and finally he crossed the ocean, now we are happily married with a kid.
I kid you not,
These things happen, and just when I thought Facebook was the final frontier, Twitter is breaking bounds. its all well and good, but call me a traditionalist or whatever, there are just somethings that will always rage against the machine.
Forum post, last year.lol
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That was the first thought or word that came into my mind when I first laid eyes on him. I work in customer service, behind the computers, working away furiously.lol. Well I don’t personally attend to customers, but I see them come into the office, we are separated by a sheet of plexi-glass.
Anyway, I sent my friend and partner, Tomi an IM, "See that guy he looks like a bear", she paused, glanced at him, looked at me, we both giggled and she sent the ROTFL smiley. We usually had some fun, teasing people harmlessly, when we were less busy. Man, woman, hot, unhot, fine, unfine, Everyone that unfortunately or fortunately walked through the Customer Service Doors of SomeTelComm. We were sending messages back and forth, I wrote to Tomi that he could just start smashing things around in the office and no one wold be able to stop him, Tomi guessed his height, 6.5 max, weight? 300 pounds I sent, ROTFL smiley again from Tomi. I replied with the same, I giggled openly and looked up for a final glance and the strangest thing happened, he happened to look my way and our eyes met or I Imagined it, because the glass was one way, people couldn’t really see inside, but we could see out.
It was almost 5pm, the hour of salvation. "Lets do this thing and get out of here oh, are we still going to see that movie?", I sent, 'yes now!' Tomi replied, Tomi the movie buff. With that we tied up our assignments, when we got ready to leave, the "Grizzly" came to my mind, I didn’t even know when he left, oh whatever
Silverbird Galleria, the world of unneccessary hookups and bump-intos, I despise the place, if not for the movie, I wont even stress my head. We left our office on Saka Tinubu in Tomi’s Green Jalopy as we had christened the Yaris, her father had given her. My own car, well, I cant even drive.lol
As we came out, checked each other out, 'you look hot jo!' Tomi said, as I put on extra lipgloss, "as hot as Tomi? I don’t think so". In our tweed suits we catwalked into the galleria, took the escalator straight to the ticket booth, purchased two tickets for Hancock. As usual one is bound to meet person or persons known , we had to chat with a couple of people before we got into the screening room. Tomi, a Classmate from University, Me, a former toaster and a Customer.
As we got into the hall burdened with popcorn and soda, my ticket floated to the floor and in the bid to retrieve it, someone picked it up and was handing it to me, when I turned and saw GRIZZLY behind the person, I almost showered the carpet with a mix of sugar popcorn and even more sugary soda. I regained my balance, gave a quick smile at all and caught up with Tomi, who had gone to secure "quality" seats, as she always called them. I just couldnt believe Grizzly was here, oh ofcourse, he doesn’t know me. I told Tomi she laughed it off and settled into the movie.
When we were done, Tomi was slightly disappointed but I thought it was quite funny, we walked as fast as possible to the car, Tomi had to drop me at home, I stay in VI with my cousins and aunty while Tomi lives in Lekki phase one with Family. Getting home, I was so tired, I grabbed a bit of yam and egg, my dear cousin had prepared and went straight to bed.
I still have the Grizzly on my mind, He was everything I didnt like, Dark, Big, Hairy. Somehow this dude is lodged in my head.
I wrote this back in 2008 on some forum. jeez.lol
A Nice Night
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These where some of the music played.
The senior orchestra performed March from Aida by Giuseppe Verdi and Clog dance by Ferdinand Harold
The big band jazz played Black Magic Woman by Carlos Santana
The Gospel choir did a number of Kirk Franklin songs, Nice!
The concert band played Putting on the Ritz by Irving Berlin, really great!
The wind band played Handel and the Big Band jazz did a really nice Way cool dude by Michael Sweeney
To wrap it all up, The Concert band played Pirates of the Caribbean..amazing finale!
I was BBMing my friend about the concert and we talked a bit about our time in secondary school. Because most of the performers on stage were just in grades 7 and 8. They played the violin, flutes, cello, guitar, piano, horns e.t.c very well! I remembered back in secondary school while we did 'Music' and learnt how to read a music sheet we never really saw it in action, the 'music club' only consisted of singing. While the Human voice is still the best instrument and it amazes me to no end. Playing one of these other instruments couldn't''t have hurt. In my first year of University I became friends with a girl who I learnt had her violin in school, so I asked her to teach..I started but sadly got bogged down with school work. I still ant to learn. Hopefully SOON!
Personally If I do have children, I will encourage them to fall in love with these things. Music is such a potent tool in this world nothing is like it, amazing! I thoroughly enjoyed myself.